There are five species of dolphins that make their homes in rivers, being the most popular of them the Pink Dolphins also known as Boto, Boutu or Amazon River dolphins as it inhabits the Amazon River.
Behavior of Pink Dolphins
Pink dolphins appear to be the friendliest of all the river dolphins when approaching to humans and some stories of people being pushed to the shores by them are common among some tribes in the Amazon.
They swim up to 30 kilometers in one day, although they usually swim slowly looking for food at the bottom of the river.
“Amazon River Pink Dolphins are typically smaller than sea dolphins but they have longer snouts, an adaptation provided by evolution…”
How do Pink Dolphins Reproduce?
Males and Females mate to start a gestation period which is believed to last from nine to twelve months. Copulation is performed between males and females belly to belly.
Calves are born about 75 cm long and weighing a bit more than 1 Kg.
Pink dolphins deliver their babies when the Amazon River is at its high between the months of May and July.
Pink Dolphin Conservation
The World Conservation Union, also known as International Union for the conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) is an international organization based in Gland, Switzerland, devoted to the conservation of natural resources.
It was founded in 1948 and groups 83 states, 108 governmental agencies and more than 10,000 scientists and experts from countries around the world.
The IUCN publishes a red list of threatened species which is a reference in the field and the base for conservation of species.